AI services

Clausthal University of Technology offers its employees and students a constantly growing range of AI services as well as an ever-evolving range of advice and training courses on the subject of artificial intelligence. On this page you will find an overview as well as further information on the topic of AI and the contact details of the contact persons at the Computer Center, the University Library, University Didactics and the Study Support team.

The computer center offers employees and students at Clausthal University of Technology access to various artificial intelligence (AI) services.

Language models

Chat-AI in the Academic Cloud

The GWDG offers an AI chat with various language models in the Academic Cloud. The open source models run locally on the infrastructure in Göttingen and thus meet high data protection requirements.
(To the instructions)

Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot is a mixture of the ChatGPT-4 AI language model and the Bing internet search engine. It is particularly suitable when current search results from the Internet are to be summarized by an AI.
(To the instructions)

LibreChat with ChatGPT

LibreChat offers members of Clausthal University of Technology access to the original ChatGPT from OpenAI with the functionality of the Pro version.
(To the instructions)


AI Resources

SWZ computing cluster

If required and on request, an own computing cluster is also available in cooperation with the Simulation Science Center.
(To the SWZ)

AI Service Center for Sensitive and Critical Infrastructures" (KISSKI)

KISSKI aims to research artificial intelligence (AI) methods and make them available in a highly available service center. A central concern of KISSKI is therefore to provide the corresponding IT infrastructure, to develop AI services and to establish a comprehensive range of consulting and training services.

Matrix channel

A public channel "AI user group" has been set up in Matrix:Element, which is used to exchange experiences and provide information about innovations in the field of AI.
(To the channel), (Matrix:Element instructions)

TUpdate Compressed lecture series

The TUpdate Compressed course lecture series was launched in the summer semester 2024. Current focus of the series: "AI in university life? We'll show you how!". The events already held are available as recordings.
(To the event series)

Offer of the writing workshop

In the summer semester 2024, the writing workshop offers two courses on the topic of "Writing with ChatGPT". You can find the offers of the writing workshop here (link)

Moodle self-study course

Together with the AI Campus, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung has created a Moodle course entitled "Prompt-Labor - Generative AI in University Teaching". This course is available as an Open Educational Resource (OER) and has therefore also been imported into TU Clausthal's Moodle. The course is available to all members of Clausthal University of Technology.
(To the Moodle self-study course), (Further information: HFD), (Further information: KI-Campus)

In the following bibliography, we have compiled a small selection for an introduction to AI applications and how to use them:

Handout of the TU Clausthal

Currently in preparation.

Statement of the DFG

Statement by the Executive Committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the influence of generative models for text and image creation on the sciences and the DFG's funding activities
(PDF) (Press release)

Collection of guidelines on is a website that specializes in the field of artificial intelligence in university teaching and regularly publishes articles on topics such as AI tools. Among other things, a collection of various guidelines has also been compiled.
(To the guidelines)

Legal aspects of AI from the SOUVER@N project

The joint project SOUVER@N, consisting of eight universities in Lower Saxony and ELAN e. V., has the common mission of promoting sovereign digital teaching and learning. The project is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching with the aim of strengthening digitalization in university teaching. In this context, a paper on "Legal Aspects of the Use of AI in Teaching and Examination" was prepared.
(To the paper)

Didactic and legal perspectives on AI-supported writing in higher education.

The project team at Ruhr-Universität Bochum has presented a comprehensive legal assessment of the fundamental legal issues surrounding the use of writing tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) at universities.
(To the article)

LinkedinLearning courses

Various courses on the topic of AI are available via the LinkedinLearning platform.
(Course overview), (Instructions - Access to LinkedinLearning)

AI Campus

The AI Campus is a joint initiative that creates unique structures for educational innovation at regional, national and European level. The initiative is divided into several projects that strengthen AI and data skills through innovative, digital learning opportunities. Current and completed projects, which are coordinated by the AI Campus office at the Stifterverband, are listed on this page.
(To the KI-Campus)

Network of state institutions for digital university teaching

The Network of State Institutions for Digital University Teaching is an association of institutions from the field of digital teaching in Germany. The network's website offers online events for self-study, among other things.
(To the event overview)

Generative AI at the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD)

As a nationwide think & do tank, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung brings together a broad community around digitalization in studying and teaching, makes developments in this area visible and tests innovative solutions. Blog posts were collected and created on the topic of "Generative AI".
(To the block)

Virtual Competence Center: Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Work (VK:KIWA)

The VK:KIWA aims to meet the dynamics of AI-based developments in the field of "Natural Language Processing" to ensure the future viability and quality standards of organizations in the context of education and science through: (1) research and knowledge transfer, (2) consulting and services, (3) qualification and training offers, (4) transformation and (5) network development and community management.
(To the VK:KIWA)

Series of events organized by the Virtual University of Bavaria

The Virtual University of Bavaria has made a series of events "AI at the university" available as OER.
(To the event series)

Topic page on AI at the university from Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH)

The MMKH's topic page contains a wide range of resources and information curated specifically for university staff. These include digital and free training courses, materials and guidelines.
(To the offer)