Since the summer semester 2020, all students have received an email account from the computer center on the central mail server of Clausthal University of Technology, which includes an email address of the form
In addition to a "classic" webmail interface and the usual access paths via IMAP and SMTP for use with local mail applications, the Microsoft Exchange server offers extensive calendar and note functions.
The previous system for student mail accounts (Communigate Pro) is currently being dismantled and the existing accounts are being migrated to Exchange. Nevertheless, we are providing the previous links for students whose accounts have not yet been migrated to the new system:
WebMail Interface: TU Clausthal - WebMail
Data cloud for students
For students, the computer center of TU Clausthal enables the use of the Academiccloud of GWDG Göttingen. Here you have 50GB of storage space available at the server location in Göttingen. One advantage over external cloud services is, for example, that data protection issues are easier to resolve.
In addition to access via a browser, there is also software that allows you to synchronize files and directories on your PC. Detailed instructions on using the Academiccloud in the web browser and synchronization on the computer can be found in the RZ documentation.
You can gain access here with your RZ user ID: Academic Cloud
CryptShare mail file transfer
The Cryptshare service enables the secure transfer of files up to a total size of 20 GB and can be accessed at TU Clausthal users can upload files via the web interface and make them available for others to download or have files uploaded from other sites.
The entire process - i.e. uploading, temporary storage and retrieval - is secured by cryptographic procedures. Notifications are sent automatically by e-mail. The only requirement is the use of a e-mail address on the sender and/or recipient side.
Both messages and files can be sent to one or more recipients, similar to a normal e-mail. Before sending, you must verify your e-mail and you can also set a password to access the files for additional security.

Help & Support
Telephone: +49 5323 72-2626