Structured management of uniform standard hardware such as PCs and laptops can save a lot of time and money, not only in purchasing, but also in inventory, maintenance and depreciation over the entire life cycle of the hardware.
We offer Clausthal University of Technology employees help with the integration and installation of various devices that are used in everyday working life. Information on the procurement of appropriate hardware and software can be found in the Contracts section.
Workstation equipment
Nowadays, a desktop PC or notebook is a natural part of a workplace. If required, we will be happy to set up the appropriate hardware professionally to ensure the best possible functionality. This includes, for example, the basic setup of the operating system and some of the services we operate (e-mail, network drives, printers).
Mobile devices
The computer center has created opportunities for employees and students of Clausthal University of Technology to use the IT resources of the TUC securely with mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.), regardless of whether they are business or private devices.
We offer you appropriate support, for example with integration into the campus WLAN or the groupware environment. We also hope to be able to help you with other questions and problems relating to mobile devices.

Help & Support
Telephone: +49 5323 72-2626